Monday, January 19, 2009

Edmonton, Kentucky is a hidden treasure in south central Kentucky. It is hidden because of the Cumberland Parkway passing on its outskirts and 1-65 taking travelers through Bowling Green, north and south.  I never thought about my hometown being a treasure until I aged.  Isn't that the way we all are?  Can't wait to get away and then can't wait to get back.  So many who left straight out of high school can't wait to retire "back home".  
Back home is where we know each other.  An emergency brings out the neighbors to help; not to galk.  A birth is noticed and announced in church.  A death, the same.  A trip to the "store" means going to one of the only grocery stores in town and if you are in a hurry, don't go.  You will run into someone you know and stand in a row of canned goods with your buggy and talk.
Back home is where your relatives stayed when you left.  They live in the same houses as they did when you visited them as a child.  They have added a porch, perhaps, or a bathroom, if they lived in the country, but nothing else has changed much.  The house smells of fried bacon or country ham.
Back home is the place you want to be when you are lonely because someone always knows you...back home.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me very happy..I just recently discovered the meaning of "back home" and it's precious!
