Friday, March 20, 2009


If I could hire someone to walk for me and exercise, I would.  I hate both unless I'm walking the streets of a city or digging holes for flowers.  When your doctor says,"I'm more worried about your health than you are," it may be time to worry.  With Spring in the air, I need to change my attitude about the security of having no health problems and pretend I do.  If I pretend I do, then maybe I'll get out in the fresh air and walk.  That doesn't mean I want to, but I guess if my doctor cares enough about me to worry, I should too.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I do not like to watch people eat, do you?  How can you help it when a person dining with you tells you something between bites.  I catch myself, sometimes, doing the same thing.  Eating mannerisms are interesting.  Some people wipe their mouths after each bite.  Some put the napkin in their laps while others put it beside their plate.  Some each wings with their fingers while others try to use a fork.  While some eat like a thief is going to take away their plate, others lolligag over their meal until I am ready to say, "Eat up. We have things to do."  I think watching kids gulp their drinks and ravage their food at school has made me detest eating with a bunch of strangers in restaurants where we are put elbow to elbow. 
 Maybe I'm just strange.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Twitter Me

I am finished trying to keep up with the latest technology.  Over and done.  Finished.  I have always been a gadget person since the onset of computers.  I am surrounded by printers, cameras, two computers, and a host of other necessities.  I joined facebook and thought I was up-to-date.  Not so.  Now I am a left behind because I am not a twitterer.  Not only am I not one, I have no clue what to do or how to do it.  Do I even want to be.  I chose not to text because no one I know is in to texting very much.  Twittering is the new wave and I am drowning in the lack of advancement.  Someone tell me, do I need to twitter?  I can't imagine why, but if I need to, I will learn.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

No School

The phone rang at 10 o'clock.  An automated voice said, "This is to inform you that there is no school in Metcalfe County tomorrow."  Whee!  That is wonderful news.  A snow days like this one is such a surprise because who would have thought it would close a day of school.  No school on Friday...a long weekend.  Can you hear me rejoicing, singing, jumping up and down?  Wait a minute.  I don't have to go to school anyway.  Why am I still in the system.  I'm retired. Oh, well, I'm still happy for the teachers and the students. Old habits are hard to break. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Have a spree

When is the last time you went on a spree?  A shopping spree?  A mad spree?  A ranting spree?  I like to have one now and then, but the end results are not always good.  A shopping spree can end in overloaded credit cards and items of clothing that will hang in the closet with the tags for months.  The thrill in buying ended when the item went into the bag.  I don't have many mad sprees, but when I do I am pretty quiet about it.  Although I want to throw dishes, I know who would have to clean up the mess.  One time I slammed all the kitchen cabinet doors, but no one was at home but me.  What good did that do?  As for ranting, I do that best.  "What in the world did he/she mean.  That was the dumbest thing I've ever seen, etc. etc."  Ranting sprees are safer than shopping and mad sprees.  Safer, especially, if those who annoy you are not around to hear it.  We all need to have a spree once in awhile as long as we don't hurt anyone.  A good spree gets the blood flowing.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not Finished

The best line I have heard recently when discussing someone who passed away at an old age is "maybe he wasn't finished."  My uncle was buried today at the age of 90.  I never thought of him as old.  He housed tobacco until five years ago.  Never spent a night in a hospital.  He walked straight was a stick and never complained of any ache or pain.  His voice of wisdom was sought by children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.  He was one of nine and the second to pass away. To live together with brothers and sisters all these years is remarkable.  I once asked why he thought they are got along so well.  "We don't meddle in each other's business."  Meddle was he key word.  He was concerned about all of us, but did not meddle.  His funeral was a testimony to his life.  A long line of cars following this man to the end.  I am forever better because Russell Reece was my uncle and I will miss him.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I have only viewed the local topixs once or twice, but that place scares me.  Any place where nameless people can leave harsh, cruel remarks is not a place I want to be.  One of the times I looked I saw where someone was asking if someone else was gay. That's hurtful and gossip spreading.  If he were, maybe he didn't want it all over the county.  If he weren't, he might as well be by the time anonymous readers finished with him.  I hate confrontations and lies about people.  Do you know it is harder to prove a lie false than the truth true?  I know people who look everyday, hoping their names won't be there.  Not all of Topixs does this; some of it is informational.  BUT....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


The news, in general, has been bashing and rehashing the Bachelor.  Does it cross our minds that all this is staged?  All this was part of the hype for the show?  I do not, for one minute, think all three parties were not involved.  Makes for good TV.  Would Jason go on every network talk show if he was such a rat?  Surely not. If he had two girls on his mind (and hot tubs and everywhere else they were) then he was conflicted and only proposed because of TV.  Then TV took a twist and wow, we're all watching.  Frankly, I think the theme has run its coarse.  Will Melissa be the new bachelorette?  I'm not watching anymore.  Had it, had it, had it.

Monday, March 2, 2009


If we all talked less, then we might hear more.  I think that is a lesson the ladies on The View need to learn.  They talk "over" each other to the point that I leave the room in disgust. Women, I hate to say, are notorious for talking at the same time.  We all, I guess, are afraid we are going to forget what we were going to say so we jump right in.  Could that be because we have had to jump right in to be heard? Growing up did we have to talk louder than our brothers to get the attention? Blame everything on our youth.  It works. Hmm.