Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Have a spree

When is the last time you went on a spree?  A shopping spree?  A mad spree?  A ranting spree?  I like to have one now and then, but the end results are not always good.  A shopping spree can end in overloaded credit cards and items of clothing that will hang in the closet with the tags for months.  The thrill in buying ended when the item went into the bag.  I don't have many mad sprees, but when I do I am pretty quiet about it.  Although I want to throw dishes, I know who would have to clean up the mess.  One time I slammed all the kitchen cabinet doors, but no one was at home but me.  What good did that do?  As for ranting, I do that best.  "What in the world did he/she mean.  That was the dumbest thing I've ever seen, etc. etc."  Ranting sprees are safer than shopping and mad sprees.  Safer, especially, if those who annoy you are not around to hear it.  We all need to have a spree once in awhile as long as we don't hurt anyone.  A good spree gets the blood flowing.

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