Friday, February 13, 2009

After watching the 20/20 piece, I may not be able to close my eyes without seeing that football player and those other children.  How can we go through life, as good as we might have it, without trying to figure out a way to help those who are at the door of emotion devastation?  We are in the 21st century, for heaven's sake, and these children of the mountain deserve better.  One little girl talked about food running out and then flashed to a picture of Mama and Grandma on the porch smoking.  I am just plain mad and more than anything sad that we have people living right here in my state of Kentucky worse off than some in third world countries.  I hope President Obama was watching.  I hope the world was watching.  I'm so sad.

1 comment:

  1. I watched it too and my thought was "except for the coal they could have filmed that piece in Metcalfe County." I'm serious. Haven't you had kids in class that you knew came from homes/trailers like the ones in that documentary? I've thought about it all week. Did you hear that Pepsico felt so guilty about the Mountain Dew that they bought another dental van for the area?
