Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who Is In Charge of Happiness?

Every woman I know is in the business of pleasing.  I have been tempted to answer the phone with, "Hello, this is Carol.  What can I do for you today?"  We want to please our children, of course, because if they are happy, we are happy.  We want to please our spouses or boyfriends because if they are happy, we are happy.  Who tries to please us?  When is the last time you were first?  When was the last time you ate first?  When was the last time you were first to sit in the chair while someone else prepared a meal?  Someone else cleaned the house?  Someone else drove the kids to activities all over town?  Someone else put the kids to bed so you could go soak in a tub?  
As long as we live we will be trying to keep everyone else happy.  We know that if we don't, the atmosphere around us will not be a good one.  Who is in charge of happiness?  Women.  Not all women, but most.

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