Thursday, February 5, 2009

How Great Are YOU?

Unfortunately, I can't think of one thing that is am great at doing.  I'm ok at a lot of things, pretty good at others, and maybe a little toward proficient in others, but not great.  Some people are great cooks, some are great at public speaking, some at decorating, others at managing their money.  I cook basic meals, shy away from public speaking, never satisfied with my decorating, and don't even try to manage what little money I have.  
Maybe being great at something places a burden on a person.  A great basketball player is in the spotlight; a great scientist is never finished, a great singer can lose her voice and there goes a concert.  Greatness, to me, is making a mark so as to be remembered: Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah, Paul McCartney, etc.  When every age knows your name, you must have done something great.  Oh, that may not be true.  I guess the name Charles Manson is well known too.  Ok, maybe know my name for something good!  I guess I just wanted to be great at something.  Maybe it's not too late.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree...being "great" or having to be actually has become some what of a "sin" to me. Being "great" I thought would define me or I wanted it to define me. Who I was, what my major was, what I'm doing with my life, bothered me...I however have come to realize that leading my life as God wants me to and going the ways He wants me to go is what will make me great. Success serving Him and totally for Him is what He would see as GREAT!!
