Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nothing Shocks Me

Sarah Palin's daughter was on Greta last night.  She, as the teen would, stumbled through the questions Greta asked about teen sex and having babies and what her parents thought, etc. I don't really know the purpose for the interview, and I felt sorry for the girl.  There was a time, not so long ago, when an unwed mother was sent to a home and the baby taken away and she came back from a "vacation" with a relative.

A thirteen year old boy in England fathered a baby.  Pictures on all the major networks showing the child kissing his child and Mama, who was probably no more than 30 herself (no father in the picture) beaming over her grandchild.  We have some boys who fathered children when they were fourteen and fifteen right here in this county.  There was a time when a thirteen year old would have been playing cars; not having sex.

I have to admit that nothing shocks me anymore.  Gay couples kissing in public, the bachelor rolling around in a hot tub with three women, a single welfare Angelina Jolie look-a-like thinking she can raise 14 kids under the age of 8- I don't blink anymore.  What does that say about me?  If you are exposed to something enough, it ceased to shock you.  Maybe a little shock would be a good thing.

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